An Invitation to Perigon’s Women’s Conversation Circles

May 11, 2021

Join us at the next Women’s Conversation Circle, we would love to have you with us.

Date: Thursday, June 10 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we’ll send out a conference link earlier in the week.

If you’re a woman in the United States, there’s a good chance you’ll be on your own in your later years. Women who are single or childless, or both, already know they are potentially looking at a solo journey through their golden years. Realistically, all women should be paying attention.

The statistics tell us why: A 65-year-old woman is expected to live about two and a half more years than her husband, according to Social Security Administration data. Meanwhile, the number of divorced women age 65 and over is rising, even as the overall divorce rate falls. According to the Pew Research Center, among women aged 65 to 84 — whether divorced, widowed, or never married — more than a third live alone. And that share increases as women age further, to 46% of women over 85.

Being a solo household is not the only issue: while adult children provide the majority of care for their parents, nearly 20 percent of baby boomers are childless. A large majority of the LGBTQ boomer population is also childless. That said, having children is no guarantee of their emotional or physical support in later life.

So what does that mean for your future?

If you have been actively involved in the care of an aging parent or loved one, you already have a good idea of what may be in store. Aging is part of the life cycle, however, and we are better off preparing now — being proactive, developing a plan and openly discussing the ramifications, from housing to healthcare and emotional support.

Please join us for our next Women’s Conversation Circle, where we will discuss the issues, both practical and emotional, related to aging alone. Consider it a safe space to share thoughts on the issue, and learn a few steps you can take while you still can control and prepare for the future.

Date: Thursday, June 10 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
Where: Zoom – we’ll send out a conference link earlier in the week.

Please feel free to share with female friends and family who may also be interested in joining the group. Space will be limited to keep the circles intimate, but we may add sessions as need arises.

Written by Perigon Wealth

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