Case Study:
Work Sustainable Investing Into Our Portfolio

October 12, 2023

Following a liquidity event, a prospective client engaged Perigon to understand more about our customized investment approach and explore how they could benefit. At Perigon we collaborate, listen and learn, and it is through this engagement where we gained insights into this client’s values as well as their goals and uncovered that they showed a committed interest in the environment.

To show this prospective client how they could work sustainable investing into their portfolio, we offered to produce an impact report to measure the sustainability of the client’s current investments. We also compared the impacts of the current portfolio to a Perigon proposed portfolio that integrated this client’s desire to consider the environment in investment decisions.

Carbon Emissions and Water Usage Data

Click to zoom.

What we found through the impact report and comparing current and potential portfolio allocations was that we could significantly lower exposure to carbon emissions and lower usage of water, among other metrics. In addition, Perigon’s proposed portfolio included a proxy voting policy that would support driving positive environmental impacts on companies held in the portfolio.

Result: We are proud to say, this prospective client is now officially a Perigon client.

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