Invitation: How to Talk Money With Your Family

October 28, 2022

Join Perigon for our next Women’s Conversation Circle

BY: Rachel Elson, Mary Ballin, Andrea Hamilton, and Anne Sapp

For many of us, money is a taboo subject within the family. But financial conversations can also be important and even necessary. What do existing estate plans look like? Do older generations intend to contribute to grandkids’ college or wedding bills or give everything to charity? Do family elders have enough to support themselves without family assistance? Do we need to add “financial support to parents” to our own financial plan?

As the holidays approach, many families have an opportunity to sit down and discuss some of these important issues face to face. The conversations can be challenging, though, so for our next Women’s Circle, we wanted to get together and talk about some best practices that we have used.

What’s your strategy for tackling these weighty topics? How do you prepare for the conversation? Is it trickier with parents than with adult children – or vice versa? How do you create a safe space?

Talking Money With Your Family

When: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Pacific Time
Where: Online via Zoom – we’ll send out a conference link the week of the circle

Please be prompt. The Zoom room will close to new participants at 4:05; latecomers are a distraction. We promise to be done at 5:30 pm PT.

Please feel free to share with other female friends, colleagues or family members who would be interested in joining us.

Circle space is limited to keep the circles intimate, and to let everyone who wants to participate have the time to do so. If there’s enough interest, we’ll add a second session.

Want to join us? Send us an email and we’ll add you to the mailing list for this and future events.

Perigon Wealth Management, LLC is a registered investment adviser. More information about the firm can be found in its Form ADV Part 2, which is available upon request by calling (415) 430-4140 or by emailing

Written by Rachel Elson

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